World Could Have Been Free Of Blunt In 1999

The Russian Army came under fire by angry music lovers across the world today when it was announced they could have executed the posh prick James Blunt years ago.

It was confirmed that the gormless singer, James Blunt looked down the barrels of Russian guns during the Balkans war in 1999.

Blunt, a former cavalry officer in the British Army, was leading a NATO column under order to seize the Pristina airfield in Kosovo in 1999. Facing a 200-strong Russian advance, the then- 25-year-old was given orders to ‘destroy’ the Russian troops by the Supreme Allied Commander of the NATO Forces in Europe.

‘I was given a direct command to overpower the 200 or so Russians who were there,’ the You’re Beautiful hit maker has revealed for the first time.

‘I was the lead officer, with my troop of men behind us… It was a mad situation.’

‘The direct command came in from General Wesley Clark was to overpower them. Various words were used that seemed unusual to us. Words such as “destroy” came down the radio.’

He said his men were given orders by the American general to ‘reach the airfield and take a hold of it.’

But Blunt – who served under his real name James Blount – says: ‘We had 200 Russians lined up pointing their weapons at us aggressively. Admittedly we were in tanks and they were not but it was the worst aggressive gun pointing I had ever seen ‘

The singer, who has gone on to sell over 11 million albums since leaving the forces in October 2002, risked a court martial by refusing to go along with the orders to attack, a command he feared would spark a major conflict with Russia.

The Russian General who was in command of the troops holding the airfield at the time has since disappeared under a cloud of mystery. It is as of yet not clear if the general took his own life or was spirited away by Russian secret services after the enormity of what had been in their grasp hit home.

The Russian military have apologised for their mistakes and have confirmed that such a similar chance fall to them they would shoot the Blunt on sight.

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